Fan Fiction


1957. The Creature from the Black Lagoon is back. A young scientist dies hunting the Gill-Man. The scientist’s twin brother wants revenge, and as San Francisco’s toughest cop, he knows how to get it!

Suspended from the force after the unauthorized takedown of a mob kingpin, Harry Callahan turns private gun for Marcia Barton, rich widow of the scientist who last captured and lost the Gill-Man. Will Harry shoot to kill or bring in the creature alive, honoring the scientific mission of his new boss and late brother?

Pursuing the Gill-Man, Harry uncovers a nuclear nightmare in a place the locals call Silicon Valley. Government conspiracists, a prehistoric monster, and the man with the most powerful handgun in the world collide!

Dirty Harry versus the Gill-Man! “Creature from the Dead Pool.” CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY!


Jason William Karpf does not own the Dirty Harry and Creature from the the Black Lagoon franchises or any of the related characters. Warner Bros. is the owner of the Dirty Harry franchise. Universal Studios is the owner of the Creature of the Black Lagoon franchise. The story also features cameos from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea characters, a film and TV series released by 20th Century Fox.

Harry Julian Fink and R.M. Fink wrote the original Dirty Harry screenplay. Harry Essex, Arthur Ross, and Maurice Zimm wrote screenplay and story for Creature from the Black Lagoon. Irwin Allen and Charles Bennett wrote the screenplay for the theatrical version of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. Many talented writers created additional characters and dramatic situations for the five Dirty Harry films, three Creature from the Black Lagoon films, and the four seasons of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, some of which are also used in this story.

“Creature from the Dead Pool” is a work of fan fiction, intended strictly for entertainment and education, and is outside the original canons. The work is distributed for free, and the author does not make a profit from it. Warner Bros., Universal, and Fox have not produced, distributed, or authorized this story.

Videos and other communications related to “Creature from the Dead Pool” are fan art, curated audio and visual containing the works and likenesses of a vast number of talented professionals. Jason William Karpf claims no ownership or rights for this content, and he does not make a profit from it.

Jason William Karpf has generated “Creature from the Dead Pool” and related materials out of his lifetime love of the aforementioned franchises. His transformative works are presented in tribute.